I have been thinking a lot lately about how a disciple of Jesus should show that he is a disciple. I think the first thing to keep in mind is this. A disciple is a learner, a student of Jesus. A disciple will never arrive at his pinnacle. Although we are trying to attain to the stature of Christ we are a continuous work in progress. We will always fall short so we can relax when it comes to trying to meet His expectations. He has already accomplished that through the cross. ( 2 Corinthians 5:21)
However there is something that I believe is of vital importance. We must always be mindful of our moments of strength and our moments of weakness. Have we developed a pattern? Do we find ourselves as fearless followers one moment and cowardly deniers the next. We see a good example of this in John eighteen. Peter was swinging his sword and cutting off the ear of Malcus when he had his boys with him and Jesus had just knocked them all down with the words that He spoke. Of course bravery and valor come in moments like these. However it is a much different story in the court of Chiaphas the high priest. Things didn't look very favorable for the follower of Jesus according to circumstances. Although Christ was still King and He was still in charge. Peter let his surroundings fool him. This is what we must be careful of! The bravery and valor of a disciple must not have anything to do with surroundings or circumstances. It must have everything to do with our commitment to our Lord and Savior! We must have a complete understanding that His way is perfect, His strength is perfect and His will is perfect! Everything that He works in us is working toward our becoming more like Jesus. When I consider my own life and ministry I realize that I am much like Peter. I am a bold preacher on Sundays at church when all my peeps are there. Many times people are moved by the power of God's word as we should be! I have yet to break out a sword and start swinging it but I have thought about it. However my boldness slips away when we drive from church to the local restaurant. Something's happens to me from the church to the restaurant! I become a coward! Why? My surroundings and circumstances have changed. I'm not saying that I should do a sermon sequel over a chicken burrito but where are those powerful words? What happened to my passion and love for Jesus? Shouldn't it be as strong outside the walls of my church as the inside. When Jesus is placed on trial before my eyes by an unbelieving world what am I testifying? Is He my King? Do I follow Him? My life is seen in John eighteen! People may look at me and make a good guess. They may ask, "are you a follower of Jesus?" Many are asking! It may not be audible but believe me they are asking. So my question is how are we answering?
1 Peter 3:15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect
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