2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
What a great lesson we learn from the Apostle Paul about running the race well. He truly did fight the good fight. Thousands of miles traveled in missionary journeys, Thousands of people saved through those journeys, and millions more through his writings in the New Testament. Paul also mentored young pastors like Timothy and Titus. He made sure as he finished the race that there would be someone to take it up where he left off! Paul made sure the gap was filled between his ministry, and the next one. Too many times in ministry and churches today, this is not the case. There is a difference between just leaving or retiring from a ministry and leaving or retiring doing it well. Too many times I have seen people just drop out! No ownership and no worries about how things will get done, they just leave it! I understand when people get tired. I get tired. I take time off and rest. However I do not leave up to others to ensure that my responsibilities are handled. That wouldn't go over too well with my church. I can just picture it, "Sunday morning...... Time for the preaching, pastor is no where to be found!!!!! The phone rings...... " Pastor where are you?????" I answer," Well I decided to take a break today, you guys can handle it!" Needless to say, I would probably be looking for a place to preach the next Sunday. We should not only be responsible for short term absences but long term ones as well. Prepare people now to take your place later. This is what Paul did. This is what Jesus did. He prepared His disciples for three years. He taught them to pray, to teach,to love and to give of themselves. Then He ascended to Heaven gave them The Holy Spirit and sent them out. God has given us an example of how to finish the race. He showed it with Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha, Jesus and His disciples, Paul and Timothy. We are His representatives and we need to ensure our ministry is fulfilled. Wether the ministry itself is ending or it is ongoing. It does happen! Ministries come to an end when God is ready, and when this happens, take responsibility. He has left them in our care. We are to ensure that when God is finished working in a particular ministry that it is wrapped up and closed out in a proper manner. This is good stewardship and it brings Glory to God. He does not leave things open ended with no conclusion or closing. He lets us know what to anticipate will come next. He told His disciples in John 14:3, "And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself. They knew what to expect! This is how ministry is handed down. It's the right way to run the race for God. What about an on going ministry? I.E. pastor sunday school teacher, church musician, We should always be preparing someone to step up and fill our shoes if the ministry is to continue. As a pastor I am trying to prepare others who can take the lead in the church at any given time.We can never become complacent to whats going on in the moment. The moments are ticking away. Time marches on, God is at work and we have a great responsibility to be aware of this. Are we preparing the future Timothy or Titus of our ministry? Who will fill your place in God's plan of the Great Commission when you have finished the race. I think this may have been part of what Paul was talking about when he told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:5,
"But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." Let's make sure as we serve the Lord that we are watchful and enduring as we evangelize the world. We need to stay out of the trap of now and look ahead to, "what next?" We need to ensure that no matter what comes in the, "what next?" our ministry is fulfilled and complete
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