Proverbs 21:21
" He who follows righteousness and mercy
Finds life, righteousness and honor."
What ever happened to HONOR! The word HONOR means to have a high respect or to esteem. I don't like sounding negative, however in my observation of American society it seems that honor has somehow escaped our way of life! For example; I was in a department store yesterday and this young man walked past me with a "T" shirt on. There is nothing wrong with wearing a "T" shirt but the inscription on the "T" shirt presented a problem! I can't say what the shirt said because this is a "G" rated devotional. However, this offended me greatly! This was very dishonoring to God, himself and every one around him! My children were with me and I was afraid they might see it and read it! I also thought about all the people that would see him and be affected by the obscenity on his shirt. For a moment I was angry. My first thought was to go up to him and rip that shirt right off of him! Hey I'm not perfect, just a sinner saved by grace. Woe, wait a minute! Does this resinate with us? A sinner saved by grace! God loved me in my sin He gave His life for me. He gave His life for that young man in the "T" shirt! THis is the thing that God reminded me of in "mid thought!" While I contemplated literally committing the sin of disrespecting someone that God created. He reminded me that He loves that young man in the "T" shirt. We will never restore honor by committing acts of dishonor! We will only restore honor by introducing people to and living for the most honorable,"JESUS CHRIST" Proverbs 21:21 tells us if we follow righteousness and mercy we will find life, righteousness and honor. The reason our nation is losing its sense of honor is because we are rejecting and loosing our relationship to God.... We are rejecting and loosing His righteousness and His mercy. Honor follows these things. So what is the answer to restoring honor? Can this be fixed? Yes it can but we have to apply honor where honor is needed.
I have several thoughts on this. First, those who follow righteousness and mercy must be more bold. We need to let our passion and love drive us. We are representatives for Christ. We need to be bold enough to stand up for honor. Not in a violent way but in a loving way. I wonder how that young man in the store would have received it if I had told him how much Jesus loves him. In Romans 10 we read that they will not hear without a preacher! We need to be bold preachers of honor. Second believers need to live honorably! Our world needs desperately to see honor in the church. In 1Peter we are told to put away hypocrisy. To be real. We are to leave behind the dishonorable and to pursue the honorable. Why would we as a church expect people to believe God is honorable if we are not honorable. Third we need to honor others. We need to recognize every one around us as created by God. We need to know in our hearts that God's incredible love extends an eternity beyond our human circles of limitation. He loves and honors everyone! His love for us far exceeds the greatest earthly love we can ever imagine.(Isaiah 49:14-16) If God thinks so highly of those He has created don't you think we should love and honor them also. We do not deserve to be held in honor. It is God who chooses to love and honor us. This honor is not earned. This honor is given! It's not about deserving honor, It's about giving and receiving honor. This is the way we should see those around us. I believe honor and respect are contagious. God honors us and this honor encourages us to begin to live up to the standard that we have been called to. In return our lives bring honor to God. So isn't it likely If we honor others, deserving or not, that they may gain some self respect. As they are honored they begin to practice honor. As they practice honor others are honored, gain self respect and respect for others. What a goal, what a dream! To restore honor. Can it happen? All I can say is this, it has to begin with someone. How about me and you.
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