Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Strong and Courageous

Joshua 1:9
  "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Christian why should you ever be afraid? Why is dismay even in our vocabulary? It is the King of all kings who has claimed us as His own. He is the one who has given us authority and ability to accomplish what He has dispatched us to do. Not only that but the One who spoke the world into existence has spoken to us and said,"Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid." I know why we hesitate and freeze in apprehension! I know why we question. I know why we fear. It is because God will not ask us to do things that are reasonable from a human standpoint. He told Abraham to leave his country and go to a place that He would show him. God did not disclose any other information.......JUST GO! This does not fit into the American dream mentality. We cry out,"But God what about my future?" He calls back," You have no future without Me!" He told Moses to go to the king of Egypt and demand that he free His people from slavery. Moses couldn't even talk right, he had a speech impediment. How was he supposed to demand any thing? Especially from the King of the known world! Sure Moses had lived as royalty in Egypt but it had been 40 years. And when he left, he left as a fugitive. Moses had killed an Egyptian because he was abusing an Israelite slave. He left Egypt on the fly and found a job as a sheperd. Moses had been a sheep herder for 40 years and now God was asking him to march into Egypt with a big stick and march out of Egypt with the Israelites. What about Joshua? God called Joshua to conquer Jericho, a heavily fortified city. Joshua and his army were out numbered and more vulnerable. From a worldly perspective they didn't stand a chance. Even the plan of attack was against logical thinking. God told Joshua to march around the city once a day for six days. On the seventh day, He was to march around the city seven times and on the seventh time, blow the trumpets and shout. God told Joshua that upon the shout and blowing the trumpets the walls would fall and He would deliver Jericho into their hands. Never in all world history had a battle been won in such a way as this! Never since, has a battle been won like this! What was the difference????? God was with Joshua! He was with Abraham and He was with Moses! He called them, He equipped them and He walked with them. It was impossible for man but possible for God. This is another way He is glorified. He takes the ordinary and accomplishes the extraordinary! He says,"do not fear and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go." He will call us to the seemingly impossible and show the world what He can do through an ordinary person. What if, today we were to decide  to be completely obedient to God. No holds barred, go all out, every thing we have and all that we are, given over to God! Like Abraham, the direction may not be totally clear, just go! Like Moses, we may feel completely inadequate, just trust! Like Joshua, it all may seem very illogical, just obey! God is not asking us to know every thing, to have gifts and talents or great plans for success. He is asking us to be strong and courageous.

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