Proverbs 3:3-4
Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart, And so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man.
Mercy and Truth, two wonderful words! Two words that have potential to change the world. Well, maybe not the actual words but the One behind the words. "Our mighty Creator God." He tells us in His word to "bind Mercy and Truth around our neck and write them on the tablet of our hearts." This is first of all to know Mercy and Truth. God is Mercy and God is Truth! To know Him is to find yourself highly esteemed in His eyes. Our God is merciful to us. He will forgive us for our sins against Him if we ask Him. God will not keep a record of those sins. (Psalm 103:12) His mercy is everlasting, just like His love. God's mercy never ceases or fails. God never takes a break from being merciful. He does not change, God is always merciful to His children. Psalm 103:13-14 says,"As a Father pities His children so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust." He has mercy on us because He knows we need Him. We are lost without Him, we are fragile and helpless. Destined for eternity separated from God. Torment and pain are in the eminent future of those outside of God's mercy Psalm 89:48 says," What man can live and not see death? Can he deliver his life from the power of the grave?" Isn't it so good to know that God loves us so much that His mercy knows no limits." If I say,"My foot slips," Your mercy O Lord will hold me up."(Psalm 94:18) Our God is TRUTH! We are to bind Truth around our neck, write Truth on the tablet of our hearts. We live in a world filled with lies and lies are the opposite of Truth! The world says, Jesus was a just a good teacher. The Truth says, "Jesus was the son of God!" The world says,"we have no need of God." The Truth says, "Isn't it obvious that we need God!" The world ask,"If God loves us so much how come there is so much evil?" The Truth answers,"I intervened in the evil. I took evil upon myself. I established My love for you in the midst of evil as I gave My life on the cross. "Every one who is of Truth hears My voice." Jesus spoke these words to pilate just before He was scourged and crucified for us. Mercy and Truth have entered our world and we can experience them first hand. Every thing changes when Mercy and Truth come into the picture! That's right, Factor in Mercy and Truth in any situation and the outcome will change. This change is an eternal change. Matthew and Zacchaeus were considered to be worthless tax collectors until Mercy and Truth showed up. They went from worthless tax collectors to esteemed followers of Jesus! Peter and John were just plane ole fishermen. Mercy and Truth walked up and said,"Come with Me and I will make you fishers of men." A few years later Peter preached his first sermon and saw three thousand people come to trust in Jesus in one day. Now that's a catch! The Lord took John on a trip to Heaven and he saw what Mercy and Truth has in store for us. John wrote five incredible books of the Bible. That's not too bad for a fisherman! Mercy and Truth saved a hopeless Samaritan woman and gave her hope. She went from "sinful adulterer" to "Child of the Most High God" in a matter of minutes! Mercy and Truth will never leave us. Hang on to them write them on the tablet of your heart. Bind them around your neck. Let's not forget what we have. Mercy and Truth have brought us into God's favor, changed us forever, and given us hope beyond hope of what great things God may accomplish through us.
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