Monday, August 9, 2010

Don't hold your Breath

2 Peter 3:8
 "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 
 Wow! When I think about the content of this verse it blows my mind.
Our God is timeless, uninhibited and unlimited. He will carry out His plan without the restraints of time.This is great news for humanity because "He is very patient toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance,"(2 Pet.3:9). For the lost person this a wonderful truth and for the believer it is a soul stirring fact. We as Christians should never try to out wait God, or think that He is affected or bothered by our refusal of obedience. This reminds me of what a "fit-throwing-child" sometimes does when he doesn't get his way..."hold his breath." For some reason, logic escapes him and he acts like holding his breath bothers everyone around him and the pressure inflicted will be SO great that his guardian will buckle and give in to his every desire! However, if the truth is known and acted upon in the correct manner, the guardian of that child will go about life as normal uninhibited by the child's refusal to conform. The child, bothering no one but himself,will either exhale and begin to breathe again or pass out and begin to breathe again. Either way the guardian's plan is not affected, and the day goes on!
  We need to realize God will carry out His plan, He will do it wether we join in or hold our breath. We can demand that God make accommodations for us and conform to us before we will join Him but He will not! He will go about business as usual saving souls and changing lives and we will miss out on His wonderful work. God saved us to be conformed to Him and not Him to us (Rom. 8:29). By holding our breath we only hurt ourselves..... so exhale! God wants to include you in His plan for the day, He has something great in store for you(1Cor.2:9-10).  I wonder what the next one thousand years holds. Whatever it is I want in, as long as I'm in with Jesus!      

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