Colossians 3:17
And WHATEVER you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Whatever...... I must admit this word has been one that upon hearing it, stirs up emotions in me that usually are not of Christlike character. It is many times used in the form of a reply that is well adapted to the language of teens and tweens. And I have, on occasion, heard it from an adult. You know what I'm talking about, the "WHATEVER" answer you get in reply to a statement made, or after offering what you believe to be helpful advice. I.E., Telling young man that he needs to pull his pants up because his under ware are showing! The reply to this helpful advice is usually,"whatever man." Being a former Marine, I must admit I don't usually deal well with the "whatever answer!" However, Praise God the word,"WHATEVER," is in many applications a very good word. Like the one in Colossians 3:17. WHATEVER you do in word or deed do all in the name of Jesus. This is an incredible application of the word, "WHATEVER" and very hard to live up to. In my every action I am to execute that action in the name of Jesus! Brothers and Sisters this eliminates some of our actions all together. There are some things that are impossible to do in the name of Jesus. The two simply are not compatible. I could give examples but there is no need. I'll just say that "no act of a sinful nature can be accomplished in the Name of Jesus!" Every thing else we do we have the honor of doing it in His name. This is not an obligation. It is a way of life, a privilege, It is who we are. Believers if we are raised to walk in new life that new life is a life in Christ Jesus and our every action should express that life. People need to see Jesus and we are supposed to show Him in our every action. This also is a very important part of worship. Our actions Glorify God. Jesus said," as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Whatever the Christian does,(OUR ACTION) has eternal implications! And we must also remember the verse says,"WHATEVER you do in WORD or deed. WHATEVER a Christian "SAYS" has eternal implications as well. Scripture teaches that our words are extremely influential. There are so many references on the power of our words I believe I could literally write all day just on the subject of our words. However given the fact we may not have time for that today I have chosen one verse. It is found in the book of Proverbs 18:21,"DEATH and LIFE are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." What are we speaking to people? Are we speaking LIFE? The apostle Peter exclaimed to Jesus in John 6:68,"You have the words of life." If Jesus has the words of life and every believer has Jesus then every believer has the words of life. We need to be careful with our words. Speak LIFE! Speak it to your husband, your wife, your children, your siblings, your CHURCH and your friends. Please remember how influential you are. You carry real life. Not the temporary stuff! The eternal, everlasting stuff! Jesus paid an extremely high price for it. Let's not not tarnish it's value by tarnished words and deeds. Let's change our perspective on the word "WHATEVER."
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