Friday, August 13, 2010

Eternally Secure

John 10:27-28
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand." 
 One of the most encouraging doctrines of the Bible is the doctrine of eternal security. Not everyone agrees on this doctrine, although I am confident in what the Bible says about those who are saved. The word "saved" speaks for it self, It means to be delivered or rescued from danger. To be rescued from Judgment! Jesus accomplished this once and for all, for us at the cross. It can not and will not be repeated (Hebrews 10:10). The blood of Jesus is not ordinary. He is the Son of God, He is perfect and His perfect blood has made atonement for us. The book of Hebrews describes His accomplishment for us as "final and finished" (Hebrews 9:11-14). Jesus spoke this in  His own words as He gave His Life on the Cross.... He said, "It is Finished," (John 19:30). For those that know Jesus, these are the most precious words they could ever hear! It is to say I have taken care of your debt. Paid it in full past, present and future! For the Christian, it has never been our ability to hold on to Jesus, who maintains our salvation. It is the power and ability of the King of kings, "Jesus" to hold on to us! Although there are a few key points we find in, John 10:27 that we need to pay close attention to. Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice." If we are saved we belong to Jesus we have The Holy Spirit as assurance of that salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14) and in Romans 8:16 we read The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. The Holy Spirit teaches us and helps us to walk with Jesus. We hear Him if we belong to Him. 
 Next, we see the most beautiful part of this verse, He knows us. He knows us in the most absolute way. Like Psalm 139 says, "Lord You have searched me and known me".  His own are so precious to Him that He knows everything about us. He knows your likes and dislikes. He knows your tendencies, your quirky habits, your personality, your eye color, your favorite food, your favorite pass time.  He knows when you get up and when you lay down, how hard you work  and where you work. He knows your priorities. He knows everything about you! He knows you because He created you. He loves you and He chose to save you!    
 Last we see something that should call our attention to our walk with Him. Jesus said, "they follow Me." This is a very important part of eternal security. It is not that our walk with Jesus keeps us saved, but our walk with Jesus is a result of being saved! The fact that we follow Jesus is evidence of our eternal security. It is the evidence of a true heart change. To be a follower of Jesus is to be in love with Him and take every step with a desire to please Him. It does not mean that once we are saved we will never sin again. It means we have a desire not to sin and turn from our sin. This is not a prerequisite to salvation or a maintaining of salvation but the result of being saved. We don't even have the power to do this until the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and He comes to live in us upon being saved. It is then, and only then, that we have the leading, teaching and strength to become a follower of Jesus. The conclusion we must come to is this: the saved person hears what Jesus says; the saved person is known by Him; and the saved person follows Him. The saved persons' life reflects all three of these things! So the question is not the fact that you are eternally secure. The Question is....
Are you saved? Have You called upon Jesus to have mercy on you and save you? This is not lip service...... This is a true salvation experience! 
Romans 10:13 says," For whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved." Ask Him right now! He will save you and that salvation will be forever! John 10:28"And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand." If you have known the salvation of the Lord or have just now come to know Him, take time right now, and with a heart of true gratitude, offer Him praise and honor. He is truly an AWESOME GOD!         

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