2 Corinthians 6:2
For He says:"
In an acceptable time I have heard you,
And in the day of salvation I have helped you."a
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
What a difference a day can make. In a day a life can be changed forever, Relationships can be restored, bonds of slavery can be broken for good and captives can be set free. In a moment someone can pass from death to life, in moment Jesus can save a soul, in a moment true and everlasting joy can enter a heart and that heart will never be the same.
We have been graciously given this day and more importantly this moment. God has lovingly called us to experience Him as never before. You see, He will save today, He will change a life, He will break the bonds of slavery and captives will be set free. Everlasting joy will enter some ones heart today and they will pass from death to life! You are invited to be a part of these incredible breakthroughs that are the most significant in all of human history. Say yes and you will know and experience our Awesome Creator God in a way you have never known Him before....say no and you will never know what God could have done with You and through you in this moment of today.
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