Prayer is our greatest and most priveledged gift we have as believers. It is always extremely powerful when a prayer of faith is prayed in the throneroom of our God and King! Yes I said, "throneroom," the bible tells us in the book of Hebrews 4:16 "Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and help in time of need." When we pray we have entered the the "throneroom of grace," what an incredible place to be. Grace is translated favor, favor is what every person who calls on Jesus for salvation receives. That favor for you is now and for ever written in the Lamb's Book of Life! When you fall on your knees at the "Throne of Grace," you are not just another person making a prayer to an indifferent king, you are a child of the Most High God. You are known by Him. He recognizes you and He loves you. When I think of this, my mind drifts to my own children, and how they come to me with humble hearts and simple requests. No request is ever too small or insignificant. Sometimes the request is too big for their Dad to handle, but this is not a problem with Father God. My point is this: I always hear them because I love them. They come to me with confidence because I am their father. I'm not indifferent. As a matter of fact, I'm just the opposite. I want them to come to me. I love to talk with them. When they come, I recognize who they are because they are "mine". I know them by name, their individual looks, gifts, talents, and personalities. We are told in Scripture that God "foreknew us", that is to know us before we were created by Him, so when we come before His throne of favor He is looking at and listening to someone He knows better than they know themselves. God has always existed and there is no way of knowing "this side of Heaven," when He began to think of you! You are His own special creation. He loves what He has made!
I'm not saying that God will grant your every request. He is not your genie-in-a-bottle, He is your Father and He is God. He knows everything and He knows best. We should go to the throne room because of our relationship to Him and because of His relationship to us. That verse in Hebrews tells us we go there to obtain mercy and find grace. We will always find mercy(compassion) and grace(favor) in the throne room of our Father. Friends, we need to go there as often as we can.
I'm soooooo proud of you.
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