Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Life Exchange

Luke 9:24
"For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it."
 These are the words Jesus spoke as He was describing what it takes to be His follower. He has shown us by His own selfless actions and taught us in His word that being HIS follower truly requires something of us. He wants you to make a trade! Jesus wants you to exchange your old condemned existence for a brand new life with Him. He wants us to get rid of our old selves, for "HIS SAKE," or on "HIS ACCOUNT." Considering this, let's take into account what we would be giving up! After all Jesus
did tell us to "count the cost." First, we would be giving up the guilt and shame for our sins against God. We would no longer have to carry the burden of our wrongs. This means ALL of our wrongs: past, present and future. Second we would be giving up a lifestyle. This one is probably hardest for us because we are born with a natural tendency to rebel against God, "a sin nature." Our lifestyle defines who we are and we can  
not have a life style of sin and be identified as a follower of the One who is sinless. Jesus asked, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do the things I say?"(Luke 6:46) Third, we would be giving up condemnation,( Romans 8:1). To become a follower of Jesus means to exchange eternity separated from God for Eternity with God. To be separated from God is to be in a place were there is eternal torment and seclusion. This means, complete separation from anything good, joyful or peaceful. To be separated from God is the most horrific place anyone could ever be and that place is forever! Now that we have considered what we are giving up let's consider what we would be gaining. Let me start by saying the gains are so great that they are truly countless, so I will choose three. The first great gain I would like to consider is God's Holy Spirit, He comes to live in the heart of every follower of Jesus. He seals us with His promise that we belong to God and communicates it to us constantly, (Romans 8:16). He teaches us about Himself and gives us His power to overcome sin. He brings us true everlasting love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control,(Gal. 5:22-23). God, through the gift of His Holy Spirit, has made us able to be His follower while we live on this earth. The second gain has to do with those we love, "who are also followers of Jesus." This promise brings great, great joy and excitement to my heart. We will always be together with Jesus. I look so forward to the day when we will see our loved ones again in Heaven. The reunion of all reunions, and together we will honor and glorify our Mighty God and King never to be separated again,(1 Thess. 4:13-18). The third and final great gain we will consider today is to be in the presence of Our Savior and King forever! To have the great honor of being in the same room with Him, to see Him face to face. To finally be able to look at Him, to see His scars and how His power and perfection has made the pain of our own sin, and even sin itself, NON EXISTENT! To be able to fall on our faces in the very throne room of God and say without the robes of doubt and darkness which plagued us so frequently in our past, "Thank You, JESUS! I love You! You, and You alone are worthy!" I know at that moment when everything we have hoped for and prayed for becomes even more real and vivid than we could ever imagine, "WE WILL KNOW!" We will know that the exchange we made was not really a trade at all, it was the greatest most priceless gift we have ever received. PRAISE GOD!

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